I can't remember

By Geert, 7 March, 2010

Just a line to say I'm living

That I'm not among the dead,

Though I'm getting more forgetful

And mixed up in the head.

I got used to my arthritis.

To my dentures I'm resigned.

I can manage my bifocals,

But God, I miss my mind.

For sometimes I can't remember

When I stand at the foot of the stairs,

If I must go up for something,

Or have I just come down from there?

And before the 'fridge so often,

My poor mind is filled with doubt;

Have I just put some food away, or

Have I come to take some out?

And there is time when it is dark

With nightcap on my head . . .

I don't know if I'm retiring, or

Just getting out of bed.

So, if it's my turn to write you,

There's no need for getting sore.

I may think that I have written

And don't want to be a bore.

So, remember that I love you

And wish that you were near,

But now it's nearly mail time so,

I must say goodbye, Dear.

There I stand beside the mailbox,

With a face so very red . . .

Instead of mailing you my letter,

