#17 April/May 1950 Johnny Craig Death Must Come! Al Feldstein The Man Who Was Death Unknown The Corpse Nobody Knew George Roussos Curse Of The Full Moon! Johnny Craig #18 June/July 1950 Johnny Craig The Maestro's Hand! Al Feldstein The Living Corpse Wally Wood Madness At Manderville... [meer]
An epic quest is about to begin in the unlikliest of places. In a run-down amusement park on a desolate beach in New Hampshire, thirteen-year-old Jack Sawyer is about to learn some hard truths -about his father's death, about why he and his mother are on the run from his sinister uncle Morgan, and about... [meer]
* Human Remains - Adapted and Illustrated by P. Craig Russel and lettered by Bill Pearson. * Pig Blood Blues - Illustrated by Scott Hampton, Adapted by Chuck Wagner and Fred Burke and lettered by Tracy Hampton. Both stories are adaptions from the Books of Blood by Clive Barker.... [meer]
To coincide with the release of New Line's Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, get ready for the debut of a frightening new series that will explore the mystery that surrounds Travis County and the horrific Hewitt family! From the demented minds of writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (Majestic, LEGION... [meer]
Master of Horror Clive Barker's The Thief of Always is a fable appealing to horror and fantasy fans young and old. Now IDW brings you its own lavishly illustrated adaptation of the thrilling tale. Within, Mr. Hood's Holiday House has stood for a thousand years, welcoming countless children into its embrace.... [meer]
Glasgow, anno nu… Een geheimzinnig manuscript komt terecht op het bureau van Simon Broemecke, een jonge redacteur met literaire ambities. Het document, dat rechtstreeks uit het verleden is opgedoken, zorgt voor een ommekeer in de levens van Simon en Gwen, de vrouw die hem verlaten heeft en voor wie... [meer]
The 6-issue horror miniseries by writer/director George Romero is collected at last! Overnight, the world has been turned upside down, and zombies rule the day! It’s up to a college professor named Hoffman, his assistant Damien Cross and his girlfriend to find out how and why the undead have taken... [meer]
De gouden cockring van Danny, de schatrijke zoon van Madame de Coeur-Brisé, wordt ontvreemd. Danny leeft echter een nogal onstuimig leventje waarin seks, geld en seks een overdreven belangrijke rol spelen. Het is dus niet zo evident om zijn dierbaar juweel, een kadootje van Baron de Sabuser, terug te... [meer]
White rats locked in a laboratory cage - but try not to pity them. These dome-headed monsters are huge, bioengineered smart rats. And out they break one stormy winter night. They take over the nearby house of widowed mother Meg Lassiter. Hatred glows in their clever red eyes. Meg and young Tommy are... [meer]